Happy Hump Day, Mes Amies. Here we are 1/2 way through another week.
Nowadays, its close to impossible to remember when skinny jeans were not the standard. Somewhere around 2002 (replacing the unflattering painter jean) or so, they became very current. Around 2006, they became the standard. 2006 was 14 years ago. You'll be hard pressed to find any trend that hangs around for that long. For many of us, it is the only style of jeans we have worn as adults. For others, we have distant memories of adorning boot cut jeans.
Regardless, now we are seeing the reemergence of a trend from the late 80's / early 90's, the "Mom Jean". The Mom jean is high waisted with a straight leg.
Are you ready to embrace the Mom jean trend? I just started to. I'm ready to go all in.
First of all, now I understand why people always used to refer to jeans as being "So comfortable." When you've been wearing skinny jeans for 10+ years, its hard to imagine jeans being considered comfortable. This cut of jeans though truly gives leggings a run for their money in terms of comfort. Yes, really.
However, let me tell you .... this style will take a bit of getting used too. When I first tried on a pair of these jeans, I immediately recoiled. I thought I looked so frumpy. I did have to try on several pairs. I might of been I just got used to seeing myself in them, finding a pair that I loved or a combination of both before I found a pair that I loved. I had to keep reminding myself, jus because I'm used to seeing myself in the skinny jean (and the fact that I own 20+ pairs of them) , doesn't make them any less dated and on their way out. Last Week I shared my favorite "Mom Jeans". I'm well aware that that pair is stupid expensive though. Today, I'll share a few pairs that will look and feel just as good.
1822 Denim Ripped High Waist Jeans
This pair comes in under $50.00 Woo Hoo! You can try the look without forking over a lot off cash.
Truly, unless you find a pair that you love directly out of the gate, don't start out by spending a ton.
Like I said earlier, it probably will be an adjustment time as you get used to seeing yourself in such a different silhouette.
To me, it is worth it. These are so comfortable. Say good-bye to any muffin top or visible "crack" shows.
Give them a try, you'll thank me!
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