Welcome to a new week Mes Amies!! First things first, this is the 2nd day Daylight Savings Time.
If you are feeling that lost hour of sleep READ HERE . That is a link to a post I did last year. Its my best tips and tricks to help you look as though you DIDN'T lose an hour of sleep this past weekend.

Today though, we are talking about hats. Yes, hats. You might of noticed how hats are having QUITE a moment. Suddenly, they are EVERYWHERE. If you are anything like I was, you might be saying "Yea, but I cannot pull off wearing a hat though! I look silly!". Trust me, you don't.  If you are feeling that way, its because you are just because you are not used to seeing yourself in a hat. It really is that simple, I promise.
When I was in my late 20's, aviator sunglasses became hot again. For years though, I'd been wearing  much larger glasses. I was convinced that while the rest of society looked great in aviator glasses, I looked like I was trying to impersonate a state trooper.  It wasn't true at all, it was just that I was completely unused to seeing myself in that style.

Summer before last, I became a "Hat Person" in a baptism by fire. I was visiting my boss and his husband at their summer home, which is on the very tip of Cape Cod. My Irish skin couldn't handle the sun, like at ALL. My boss was putting sun screen on me every 20 minutes, yet I was still burning. Finally, Bill said "TO HECK WITH THIS, WE ARE BUYING YOU A HAT!!!"

This was the hat. I realized that it was actually kind of cute. I also realized that it helped to hide a bad hair day. It helped to hide when I was in need of a color refresh plus, it gave an added element of style.

I get it though, you might still be on the fence. Here are a few tips to help you ease into this hot trend.

1) Start with a baseball Cap

Baseball hats are SO common place. You see them everywhere all year long. If you are still trying to get used to wearing a hat, this is the easiest one to start with.

2) Wear Your Hat out in Inclement Weather

When you first start to wear more traditional hats you might feel odd (I did!). If you start venturing out in a hat when the weather is crappy you won't feel so self conscious.  You will come across as if you are saying "Hey, a girl has got to stay dry!!" When everyone else you pass is under umbrellas and hoods, you won't feel so out of place in a hat.

3) Think Of The Practicality Of It
Seriously, you are saving your self time by protecting your hair style. If you color your hair (that's 99.5% of us) you are saving your hair from damaging UV rays. You are protecting your facial skin from premature ageing.

I guarantee you, you WILL get boundless compliments on your hat. People will look at you and think "I wish I could rock a hat like she does."

Funny thing, my mom pointed out to me that I loved hats from an early age. Check out the hat I was loving in the summer of 1983! (Wearing my mom's shoes).

Okay, I'm leaving you today with the reminder to have the confidence to dress how you'd like to dress and wear what you'd like to wear.
With confidence, you'll look good in everything and anything.



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