Happy Monday, Mes Amies!

Did you all have a nice weekend? I sure hope so.

Today, we are going to discuss "revenge shopping". When you hear the term "revenge shopping" , "revenge body" "revenge hair", etc you think of someone who made a serious upgrade after getting out of a bad relationship.

Imagine this... someone is in a "relationship" that is VERY unhealthy. Because of this relationship, they have been isolated from their loved ones. They have had their favorite hobbies and activities taken away from them, they are not allowed to go to the gym to work out, they are not allowed to meet their friends for dinner,they face the prospect of financial insecurity and they know that their health and wellness and that of their loved ones is at constant risk. 

That sounds so upsetting and scary, doesn't it?  I think you all know that each and everyone of us has spent the last year in that exact relationship. Not with an awful partner, but with covid. 

No, we are not totally out of the woods now. However, we are close. We are so close and people are celebrating whether they realize it or not.

Women are shopping WAY more this year than they have in the past few years.

This isn't surprising at all.  After the 1918 Flu Pandemic, the 1920's literally came roaring in with their their art deco inspired flappers.

After the great depression and WWII, the 1950's was filled with glamour and elegance. 

After the recession, stagflation and gas lines of the 1970's , the 1980's were filled with furs, diamonds and big everything.

It stands to reason that after a year + of athleisure and pajamas , we are ready to shed them like a butterfly coming out of a cocoon. 

 The fashion houses are showing that people have a larger appetite for high end purchases than they have had in years. That designer bag or shoes no longer seem "frivolous" . We are also reaching for more bright colors, we are sick of bland it seems.

Many people who had been out of work, are now back. There is more money to be spent. After a year of being locked down, we are ready to spend it.

Have you noticed that you are buying more than before? Have you purchased any post covid splurges?  My hubby reads here, so I'm not going to chime in 😅, but if you've been here for a minute or two, I'm sure you can speculate. 

Till Wednesday, my loves.



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