Hi! Happy Monday! Remember Me?
Sorry for my absence. You know how I mentioned having an ear infection? Welp, that turned into a ruptured ear drum.
If you are ever in the position of deciding to have a ruptured ear drum or NOT having a ruptured ear drum, I highly suggest going with NOT having a ruptured ear drum.
Talk about pain... guys, it was AWFUL.
I'm on the mend now, but still not feeling 100%
Insert cheesy segway here
What is 100% though, are the new clothes and shoes that are in Target now. Yes, I know that Target pretty much always has great clothes. This season though, its EXTRA good.
Typically, I get roughly 70% of my clothing from Nordstrom, whom I love dearly. Truth be told though, this season I actually have my eye on more things at Target than I do Nordstrom.
I could literally write an 8 page post on what I want to pick up from Target this season.
However, I'm going to stick with a few highlights.
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