Happy Wednesday, loves! It is already January 20th. To me, January typically DRAGS on. This year though, its flying by. If January- March could go by really quickly and then if June-August could just linger...that would be A-Okay by me.
For now though, we still have a LOT of winter in front of us. So, lets get us some season appropriate footwear. Lets be on trend and styling, and lets save some money as we do it!
Its been a minute since we did a "look for less" post. Shame on me! I know that these are some of my most read posts...aka, what YOU want to see!
In today's post, all of the more expensive items are on the left side and their lower priced counterparts are on the right.
Do you have a pair of leopard ankle boots? If not, GIRL what are you waiting for? I'm wearing my pair right now. These look great with black pants, they look great with jeans. Really, leopard is a natural. It looks great with EVERYTHING.
I love that sneakers are having a moment. Funny story, I didn't own an actual pair of sneakers until I was 13. As a child I ONLY wanted to be in dresses and dress shoes (still my first choice).
Again, we are seeing leopard here. You will not hear a single complain from me!
High // Low
I literally searched for the perfect cognac ankle book from 2011-2020. Really, I was like Goldie Locks. "This pair is too brown this pair is too tan..."
Welp, I'm hoping to save you from that. Here are two pairs that are TRUE cognac.
High // Low
There you have it, the latest "look for less" post.
What do you think? Which of each category do you prefer?
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