Hi there, Mes Amies.
How is this week going?
Today, I'm here to tell you why you need a Sous Vied. If you are saying "What the heck are you talking about?", no worries.
The name is far more intimidating than the process. A Sous Vied is a device that cooks by a controlled water bath.
Essentially, you put your item in an air tight bag and then put that bag into a container of water. Nope, Sous Vied cooking is NOT the same as boiling.
What makes sous vide cooking special is the precise temperature control that is made possible by a specialized sous vide machine. This computer-controlled device warms a water bath to any low temperature you set, and it can keep it there for hours or even days, if necessary or wanted.
You literally cannot over-cook your foods. With sous vide, there's no guess work. If you put a steak in a bath set at 140°, there's no chance that steak will go past that temperature. The steak is cooked to a perfect medium-rare throughout, and that's thanks to the sous vide's secondary function, water circulation. Constantly moving water ensures that there are no hot or cool spots in your pot. Gone are the nerve wracking nights of cooking costly cuts of meat with fingers crossed and baited breath.
- A sous vide precision cooking device
- Packaging for your food, like resealable bags or canning jars
- A container to hold the water
Recently, my hubby asked for a prime rib. I made it for him with my sous vied.
He said it was the best he'd ever had.
I keep mentioning meat, however that only scratches the surface of what this can do. Desserts, fish, eggs are all made better with this.
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