The Friday Five

August 28, 2020 in


Hello, Mes Amies! Happy Friday. One of the last of this all to quick to pass summer. Le sigh.

Anyway, I have a miserable sinus infection going on right now.

I am on antibiotics and hope I’m feeling better by this weekend. A) Because my birthday is Sunday and B ) because I want to start showing you guys some fall outfit inspiration.

I shopped the NSale HARD this year. Most of my things have come in. It is time to start putting together outfits!

Anyhow, for today please be content with this “Friday 5”. As ways, I’d love to see your answers too!


 This was the 1st delivery



1. How closely do you think good manners are related to income and social status?

Oh boy, I’m sure I’ll get some blow-back here, but I do believe that there is sometimes a correlation between the two. That’s not to say that a wealthy person cannot be rude, of course they can. What I mean though is certain things that are acceptable in some circles and not others. Take for example someone who licks their fingers in lieu of using a napkin. This was a slogan for a fast food chain. However, you think for even a second that this behavior would be welcomed in a Michelin starred, fine dining restaurant? Of course, it would not.


2. Can the idea of good manners inhibit people's natural sense of fun and inhibition?

Perhaps. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Have laughs and a good time is great. However, these things should not come at the expense of someone else. Jokes about religion or ethnicity immediately come to mind here.


3. Do people have more manners now or in earlier times?

Earlier times, no doubt. As a society, we’ve become far more relaxed. By and large, I think this is for the better. However, I really do wish that we could go back to old fashioned manners. For example, if someone says “Thank You” to you, your response should be “You’re welcome, my pleasure  or an enthusiastic de-nada!”   “Emmm-Hmmm and Yup” are not okay responses.

4. Do you say "hi" to people even if they are strangers? Why? Why not?

If it’s not awkward, I do. Why not? Why be closed off? Strangers are just friends that you have not met yet.


5. Do you listen to other's people conversations on the street?

No, creepy. I do love to watch their body language though. People watching has always been so interesting to me.


That is it! Happy weekend friends! Next time we talk, I’ll be another year older.






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