Penny-Wise Wednesday... Target does it again
November 20, 2019
in Style
Woo-hoo Wednesday,we are plowing through the week like the bosses that we are.
This weekend, we were doing our weekly Target shopping. My hubby was off transfixed looking at the Christmas decorations. This gave me the opportunity to poke around a bit more than I typically do.
Also, I had just treated myself to a caramel brulee latte from Starbucks. So, I was as contented as could be.
I happened to noticed that Target has some pretty believable doppelgangers for some of my most favorite recent Nordstrom purchases.
I wanted to share them with you here today.
First up This sleep cardigan by Stars Above
This feels nearly identical to my Barefoot Dreams sleep cardigan.
The difference though, is the price.
The Target version is $110 dollars less.
Moving along, its cold for most of us now. Many of us have a whole winter's worth of snow days ahead of us. Needless to say, its time to break out the snow boots.
I could not help but notice how much these boots remind me of my Sorel Joan Of The Arctic boots that I received for Christmas last year.
The Target Version is $130 dollars less.
For the next dupe, we are not going to far. We have another Sorel dupe.
As I'm typing to you right now, I'm wearing my Sorel Chelsea boot. These were one of my best purchases from this year's anniversary sale. They are rugged enough to wear in crappy weather, but still works with a dress pant.
Well, low and behold, Target now makes This bootie that they call Cassie.
This next one almost agitated me, as it was a very recent purchase.
In the past 2 years, I've really come to love Madewell. Classic styles and truly good quality.
Recently, they were having a 25% off sale I took that opportunity to get their "Evercrest" sweater.
I saw This spot on copy by Wild Fable.
The Target version will save you $53! #winning
The next item up, is not something that I bought. Its worth sharing though. While killing time on the Nordstrom app last week, I saw the Rails shirt by Hunter. It comes in many different prints. The print that is called "White Storm" looks so close to This one by Universal Thread.
The Target version is $20. The Hunter version is $158. Crazy huh?
Anywhoo..I hope this has given you some money saving inspiration.
We'll catch up on Friday.
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