The Friday Five

October 04, 2019 in

Its been a bit since we did a Friday Five. So, why not today?
Remember, you can link your answers via Live Journal. Or, if you like, email me. I do love getting your answers too.

1. What is something amazing that has happened in the last five years?
Two things! I married Chad (April of 2015) and we adopted Bandit (November on 2014.) These two (and Decoy) have brought me more joy and happiness than I could ever express.
They both cause a feeling in my heart that no word exists to explain it.

2. What is something you would love to happen in the next five years?
Obviously, I hope to rescue another dog! 

3. Do you make "life plans" or do you live spontaneously?
I'm a planner. I'm a firm believer in setting objectives and working toward them. Otherwise, life just happens to you. I like to be at the helm and steering this vessel as it navigates the waters of life.

4. Do you think about what you might do when you retire?
There is a commercial out right now that I love. It's something along the lines of "What if my retirement plan is not to retire?". This is so me. I don't ever want to be not doing ANYTHING. I enjoy getting up and going to my office each day,
Likely, I'll scale way back and and have a little part time job or just volunteer. Chad & I plan on spending or winter's in a warmer climate. So, I'll have to have some flexibility.

5. Is your lifestyle similar to your parents, grandparents, or something utterly different?
Well, all of my grand parents passed away when I was very young. Therefore, I cannot really compare to them.
As for my parents, there are some similarities and some differences.
The largest difference is that my parents were raising a family. They worked and scarified quite a bit for us.
Chad & I are child free. So, we are afforded many more freedoms than either his or my parents had.

So, please do share your answers with me! I love seeing them!

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