The Friday Five

September 13, 2019 in

This has been one hell of a week. I'll go into more details later, but my goodness, the past 7 days have been rough.

I figured a little "Friday Five" would be a nice, light hearted thing to focus for a bit.

1. Do you have the urge to do a Fall cleaning as soon as the weather turns?

Yes, without a doubt. I like to use the end of the passing season as a time to asses what I used and did not use. If something didn't get its use, it gets tossed or donated. The stuff that did get a fair amount of use gets boxed up for next spring/summer.

2.What tells you that the season (a certain smell, a certain taste, that sort of thing) has changed?

A lack of humidity in the air, later sunrises and earlier sunsets, the leaves as they start to change color.

3.What do you look forward to the most with the change of seasons?

Cooking. I like cold weather cooking better. Nice comfort foods that fill the house with delightful aromas.
Also, I love doing "fall colors" for my nails. I know it souns silly, but I always love that first  "Lincoln Park after dark" mani of the year.

4. What is something that you probably should accomplish but won’t this season?

Ahh, if there is something that I need to accomplish, I make sure it happens. I have no patience for the "Ahhh, I should get around to it..." mentality. That stuff drives me nuts.

5. What is the most enjoyable part of the oncoming season for you?

All over New England, from Boston's Beacon Hill to Cape Cod, all through the Green & White Mountains, mother nature puts on the most spectacular foliage show here.
The leaves all over turn to flaming reds, oranges and yellows. I never tire of it.

Now, what say you? What are your answers to these same questions?


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