The Friday Five (yay!)

March 29, 2019 in

Happy Friday, my beloved! When we return from this upcoming weekend, March will be over. Here in coastal New England, it sure did come in like a lion and is thankfully going out like a lamb.

For awhile I was going the Friday Five linkup via Live Journal. Because I write most of these posts in the early morning before work, the link up posts were not there.  Duh....why not just do my link up the following week? I'm embarrassed that I didn't think of this sooner.


1. What size (twin, full, etc.) is your bed?
Year before last, we upgraded to King. We bought a Serta iComfort "Blue Max  elite luxury 5000"
Holy moly, it is the mot comfortable bed I've ever slept in.
The only problem now is when we go on vacation. No other bed is as comfortable and it becomes hard to sleep.

2. How many pillows do you sleep with?

Okay, so on the bed there is a ton. Its a king and would look naked without them.
But, when it's actually lights out time, I just sleep with 1.

3. Do you have a weighted blanket? If so, does it help you?
I had no idea that any such thing existed. Now, I'm intrigued!!

4. Do you sleep with any stuffed animals?
Nope. I can do better than that. 
This little scamp sleeps with us every night.
Decoy is welcome too as well. He prefers to sleep down stairs though.
To anyone who wants to chime in about why you shouldn't co- sleep with dogs, please see here:

5. Do you have to have the TV on to go to sleep? 

Noooooooo. No. No.
To me, bedrooms are not for TV watching. 
Don't take my word for it though. Read below"

A TV does not belong in your bedroom

18 Reasons to keep the TV out of your bedroom

Also, Dr. Phil says that having a TV in your bedroom reduces the frequency of intimate relations among spouses by 50% . I love you, Golden Girls re-runs, but not that much.

Welp, that is all five!
What about you? Inquiring minds what to know!
Have a great weekend and stay safe :D



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