Hello and welcome to your Friday! I hope that this weekend is going to be a great one for everybody.
Here in New England, its been a crazy weather week. I'm looking forward to the sunshine and some calm days.
I've been doing "The Friday Five" via a link up from Live Journal the past few weeks. However, the new one is not up this week? Maybe, I'm just too early? I'm not sure.
Anyhow, I figured I'm going to take this as a sign to write a post that I've hemmed and hawed about posting; the over editing of photos.
I started this "blogette" because it was a requirement from a company that sends me make up and hair products to test. I didn't start this to post about things that are polarizing. However, my best friend I were taking about this recently and I do feel that its worth addressing.
Open up any of your social media feeds and you'll see what I mean. Photo editing is getting out of control. Mind you, I'm NOT mocking photo editing in general. Not at all. Literally, everyone I know, myself included touches their pics up a bit here and there. What I'm talking about today, what we need to stop, is photo editing which goes to extremes. When you see a photo of someone and they don't even look human. Off the top of my head, these are a few examples that come to mind:
- The "oil painting" Face Edit
- The Fake Eye Color Edit
- The Nose "Oh So Thin" Edit
- The Makeup Edit
There are so many more, I could go on, but I don't think there is any need too.
I guess when all is said and done, it makes me feel sad that some people feel that they need to attempt to alter their appearance THIS much.
The media puts such insane standards out there with their gorgeous ads, etc all of which are edited too. Its to the point where many actors feel the same pressure. Just google "Celebrity Photoshop fails" and you'll see what I mean.
You have actual Victoria's Secret Angels trying to make themselves thinner. If some of the most beautiful people out there don't think they look good enough, where does the leave the rest of us?
It's just become crazy what they (the media) tries to inundate us with.
We need to remind ourselves and each other that we are enough. We need to understand that in real life, we look BETTER, much better naturally than we do when we put all these crazy edits on.
Plus, you know there is some stupid mean girl out there that just cannot wait to screen-shot that overly "enhanced" photo. Don't give that stupid mean girl the pleasure. 80% of your followers likely know you in real life. Therefore, they know what you actually look like. Even if they don't, lets be realistic, we can all spot these "brute force" editing mishaps from a country mile.
You ARE beautiful. I promise
PS: A few links to more eloquently written articles on this topic:
PSA Stop Over editing
Beware of the over edit
10 Most common editing mistakes
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