Hi there!
What a fun weekend this was.

A few months back, my hubby and I did a full remodel of our kitchen. We went from something very 1970's to something I love (I'll do an entire post to this very soon.)

Anyhow, my friend Kristin was dying to come cook in our new kitchen.
We decided to spend Saturday Christmas cookie baking.
She came over, we went to Stop & Shop together then got to work. We baked for 6 straight hours!
We might have had a glass of wine to two towards the end.
(Please pardon the fact that I cannot remove the stickers from my wine glasses...)

When we were finished, we each had over 10 dozen cookies apiece! (the folks at our Christmas Eve party are going to make out like bandits!)

Sunday, was just as much fun. We live in New England, home of the world Champion New England Patriots. 
My husband has been a season ticket holder for over 10 years now.
This week was an away game. Chad and I were joined by some of our best friends watching the game at our "neighborhood haunt" AKA "The Waterfront Bar and Grill".
Good friends , yummy food , a none to shabby wine list and the Patriots for the win!

Oh what a night!!!!

Ciao until tomorrow, and never lose your shimmer!



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